
Going public with a disease like Alzheimer’s takes commitment, fortitude, and a genuine compassion for others. It’s much easier to draw in and focus on our personal and familial needs when faced with any terminal diagnosis. When Glen & Kim Campbell chose to open their home and their hearts to millions through his final tour and the film, it offered an intimate insight into this disease and helped increase awareness in ways they never imagined. By continuing to share their journey through Alzheimer’s, Kim is offering hope on a way only someone who’s lived it can. When Kim tells her story of being a caregiver, the audience resonates with her empathy, humor, passion, and humility. She may not have aspired to be a story teller, yet by doing so she’s making a profound difference in thousands of lives.

– Susan M. Galeas, President & CEO, Alzhemier’s Greater Los Angeles
Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles

Kim Campbell offers a brave and authentic voice for Alzheimer’s caregivers everywhere. She speaks from the heart and her experiences on the frontline of care. Most importantly, the knowing public and her fans are empathetic, listening, and cheering her on.

– Meryl Comer, President of the Geoffrey Beene Foundation Alzheimer’s Initiative
Geoffrey Beene Alzheimer's Initiative

Kim presents a heartfelt delivery regarding Alzheimer’s. Her family story is touching, real, laced with humor and helps others understand they are not alone in the struggle with this disease.

Alzheimer’s doesn’t discriminate, whether a Preschool teacher or a Grammy winning artist. Kim, through her presentation, shares that Alzheimer’s is a family -impacted disease that needs greater awareness and support at so many levels. It’s refreshing to hear her speak and share her story. Whether you know someone or are personally affected by the disease, you will relate to Kim’s passionate delivery.

— Mike Lancaster, Board of Directors Chair, Alzheimer’s Orange County

Kim Campbell is an amazing advocate and champion for caregivers. Her unique story and caring heart allow her to connect deeply with everyone who has been down this path.

— Jim Mcaleer, President & CEO, Alzheimer’s Orange County
Alzheimer's Orange County