Am I Blue Poster


Title: Am I Blue (poster)
 Open edition full color offset printed poster on 80lb art paper
Dimensions: 24″ x 18″
Shipping: All posters are shipped via USPS in triangular shipping tubes

*Through the month of December, 100% of poster profits will go to The Alzheimer’s Association

SKU: amiblueposter Category:


When world-renowned actress Jane Seymour invited Glen Campbell to join her in her art studio for a free-flowing painting session – she was amazed. Thinking that painting would be a healing and fun experience for Glen, they got together on September 27, 2012 to paint after attending a local arts festival. Glen was hesitant at first, exclaiming that he has “…never painted anything” before.

With a little encouragement, Glen began putting palette knife and brush to canvas, and quite readily gave up his inhibitions of not being able to paint. With the tuneful accompaniment of lines from his beloved songs, such as “Rhinestone Cowboy” and the tune “Am I Blue,” he ran with it! He became very focused and happy. Glen’s pure enjoyment of the free abstract style, of color and form, provided him with a rhythm, much like his music, and his brushstrokes danced on the canvas. His use of the color blue was quite predictable, as in recent years he loved the color so much that everything around him, including all of his shirts, had to be blue!

Through this wonderful collective art experience, two abstract paintings were born from a man who had never before picked up a paintbrush. He said of An Old House:

It’s about the best painting I’ve ever done!

The unique healing power of art is widely recognized. We all know the difference that living with beautiful, colorful artwork makes in our lives – we are happier and thus healthier. Doctors have studied the healing effects of art and music, and know that they both offer an exceptional creative experience for all ages, and in particular for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. Alzheimer’s research has also found that patients’ artistic and musical talents are one of the last of the faculties “to go.” Notably, the Museum of Modern Art in NY has developed the leading art appreciation and engagement program for Alzheimer’s patients in the nation.