The lyrics to a classic Bill Withers song sparked guest contributor Vicki Bartholomew to consider and be thankful for her caregiver support group.
Author: Vicki Bartholomew
Always Be Prepared
After you get over the shock of a devastating diagnosis of Alzheimers, all sorts of questions start popping into your head. Among the most common are: What should I do first? and How long do we have? You may or may not have a long time to think about the former, so let’s get right to that answer.
Tips to Enjoying the Holidays
Deep inside each one of us is the memory of how the holidays used to be and the desire to celebrate – but when you’re a caregiver, celebrating may feel counter-intuitive. Here are some CareLiving tips to enjoying the holidays with your loved ones.
Give Me Those Keys!
After the initial diagnosis of dementia, an unexpected hurdle may be breaching the subject of taking away a loved one’s driving privileges. Find a gentle way to keep them off the road – for their sake, and ours!