“I am finally starting feel good not only about my life ‘now,’ but about ‘tomorrow’ as well.” – Kim Campbell shares a lesson learned about being present and living in the ‘now’ from a unique clock on the wall…
Trust GPS

Kim finds similarities between the the story of Passover and her own journey of faith as an Alzheimer’s caregiver.
It’s Not A Marathon

Alzheimer’s can feel like a marathon where someone keeps moving the finish line further and further away. I realize now that it’s not a marathon – it’s a relay race.
- Inspirational
- ...
I Hope You Dance

We are physical, intellectual and spiritual beings. Don’t neglect to take care of yourself on any of these levels. When it comes to the physical side, find the outlet that works best for you – but I hope you dance!
Between Heaven & The Real World

Steven Curtis Chapman’s music speaks to my heart and encourages me to appreciate each moment I have left with Glen before the clock strikes midnight – Kim Campbell
Turn Turn Turn

Perhaps it’s serendipitous that Glen played guitar on this Byrds record more than 50 years ago and it’s just now resonating with me as a caregiver. As the seasons turn, so must we turn away from defeat and depression as caregivers.
Redeem The Time!

Don’t feel defeated because you can’t do something that you had planned to do before you became a caregiver. Make each moment count. Redeem The Time! – Kim Campbell
Comforted By Angels

We shouldn’t assume that because someone has lost their ability to remember, think, reason and speak, that they are incapable of connecting to a spiritual reality above and beyond what we ourselves can see. – Tony Janicki
Lessons From My Mother pt. 5

It took me a long time to let go of the illusion that I was in control. God was gracious and patient with me, waiting until I came to the end of my own resources. My faith was bigger than my mother’s illness. – Ann Campanella
My Psalm 25 Experience

I downloaded Psalm 25 to my “personal hard drive” (which means I memorized it and began quoting it to myself daily, sometimes multiple times a day) – by guest contributor, Don Finto
You’re Doing Something Right

Life as a caregiver can often feel like no life at all. In essence, you are sacrificing your own life to care for someone else. If you feel like you are making enormous sacrifices, you’re doing something right.