It used to be that we would only talk about heart health after a major heart event, but as we began to understand the importance of taking care of your heart, the conversation became a common topic. Now we need to work toward a similar cultural shift around the topic of brain health!
It’s not you, it’s the dementia

Guest contributor Dr. Tam Cummings helps us understand and put a loved-one’s actions in to the context of dementia to lessen the caregiver’s stress and heartache.
Helpful iPad Apps for Alzheimer’s

Research shows that the use of iPads by people with dementia and Alzheimer’s can improve cognitive, mobility and communication skills. Guest contributor Jared Banz compiles his Top 5.
Comforted By Angels

We shouldn’t assume that because someone has lost their ability to remember, think, reason and speak, that they are incapable of connecting to a spiritual reality above and beyond what we ourselves can see. – Tony Janicki
Virtual Dementia Tour

More than 2 million people have taken The Virtual Dementia Tour, which helps us understand what living with dementia is like by altering our sensory abilities. Kim sits down with Debbie Miller to discuss what she learned.
Give Me Those Keys!

After the initial diagnosis of dementia, an unexpected hurdle may be breaching the subject of taking away a loved one’s driving privileges. Find a gentle way to keep them off the road – for their sake, and ours!