Six years ago today, the world lost an extraordinary musician, a loving husband, father, and grandfather, Glen Campbell. As we remember him today, let us also look to the future with optimism and determination.
Father’s Day

CareLiving and the Campbell family wish a happy and healthy Father’s Day to all of the fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, brothers, uncles and friends who are living with or have passed on due to Alzheimer’s and dementia. This year, our first without Glen, we asked the CareLiving community to send in their own photos to post alongside our own…
Don’t Forget The Dental Floss

Guest writer William Cummings shares a humorous anecdote about his father to remind caregivers not to sweat the small stuff when it comes to Alzheimer’s.
Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Kim Campbell shares her Thanksgiving Survival Guide tips for caregivers this holiday season. Humor, love, fun and positivity are all key ingredients.
First Time For Everything

Kim discusses some ‘firsts’ that she is experiencing since Glen’s passing and how she and the family will spend Thanksgiving
Eulogy for Glen Campbell

For those who could not attend the memorial service for Glen Campbell, held at the Country Music Hall of Fame on August 24th, 2017, CareLiving would like to share Kim Campbell’s eulogy to her late husband.
Glen Campbell sings “Chanukah”

Glen loved singing and recording Christmas songs, but always wanted to record “Chanukah” by Marty Goetz. Sadly, Alzheimer’s robbed him of the opportunity to ever properly record it. Here, for the first time, is a home video of the only performance of Glen singing this song.
Tips to Enjoying the Holidays

Deep inside each one of us is the memory of how the holidays used to be and the desire to celebrate – but when you’re a caregiver, celebrating may feel counter-intuitive. Here are some CareLiving tips to enjoying the holidays with your loved ones.
Come Harvest Time

As I celebrate this Thanksgiving with my husband, I will look into his eyes, hold his hand, kiss him, share a meal and be truly be grateful for the life we’ve shared and the children and grandchildren God has given us.
Comforted By Angels

We shouldn’t assume that because someone has lost their ability to remember, think, reason and speak, that they are incapable of connecting to a spiritual reality above and beyond what we ourselves can see. – Tony Janicki
Lessons From My Mother pt. 5

It took me a long time to let go of the illusion that I was in control. God was gracious and patient with me, waiting until I came to the end of my own resources. My faith was bigger than my mother’s illness. – Ann Campanella